

(Showing 1 – 12 products of 15 products)


A Mercy to Humanity


A Mercy to Humanity is a truly unique study of the Prophet’s (SAW) biography in which Dr. Aid al-Qarni paints a vivid picture of his noble character, delivering a personal insight into the events of his life. It is an emotional and engaging commentary that includes the author’s thoughts and reflections on the subject.

Abridged Hayatus Sahabah


Hayatus Sahabah is the masterpiece of Hadhrat Moulana Yusuf Khandelwi (ra) has now reached you in a fresh, reviewed, better translated version by Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias. This book is brief history, thought and ideology, concerns and dynamic concepts of Moulana Yusuf Khandelwi (ra) so that the reader can acquaint himself with the author. This book gives message that how Sahabah sacrifices their lives in the path of Allah and Implement laws, regulations of management, governance, discipline, control and mannerism.

Collection From Riyadus Saliheen (Full Colour)


Collection from Riyadus-Saliheen by Al Imam An-Nawawi This book is an authentic research material in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah,and free from every type of vague conception,weak authority and false. This book is the best presentation of Riyadus-Saliheen ever produced in any language anywhere. Keeping in the view the problems or our times, this book is a concise volume that Sheikh Safiur-Rahman Mubarakpuri has made the selection of Ahadith.

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Image of the Prophet Muhammad in the West: A Study of Muir, Margoliouth and Watt


This is an outline of the main contours of Wstern scholarshop on the life and achievements of the Prophet Muhammad. It aim to highlight a perceived lack of objectivity and to focus on the need to study Islam from a scholarly and objective angle.

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Islam The Straight Path


This updated version of Islam: The Straight Path includes a new Epilogue by John Esposito in which he addresses the impact 9/11 and its aftermath have had on both the Muslim and non-Muslim world, discussing Islam’s relationship to democracy and modernity and focusing more sharply on the origins and growth of extremism and terrorism in the name of Islam. This exceptionally successful survey text introduces the faith, belief, and practice of Islam from its earliest origins up to its contemporary resurgence. Esposito, an internationally renowned expert on Islam, traces the development of this dynamic faith and its impact on world history and politics, discussing the formation of Islamic belief and practice and chronicling the struggle of Muslims to define and adhere to their Islamic way of life. Lucidly written and expansive in scope, Islam: The Straight Path provides keen insight into one of the world’s least understood religions and is ideally suited for use in courses on Islam, comparative religions, and Middle Eastern history and culture.

Muhammad The Messenger Of Allah And Seal Of All Prophets SAW


Muhammad The Messenger Of Allah And Seal Of All Prophets

The mind may have aspirations that may deviate it from the straight path and thus lead it to error. Nevertheless, the wisdom and mercy of Allah has been placed within his creation. He guides the minds to the realities that the creation cannot seek out and attain alone, and shows it the true meaning of the straight path. Therefore, it will not be deviated by its own aspirations. Consequently,

Allah has sent messengers and aided them with clear proofs, calling to the true path with the most eloquent wisdom the best of reminders.

Ramadan Excellent Merits And Virtuous Deeds


Ramadan Excellent Merits and Virtuous Deeds by Darussalam is an important booklet written by Hafiz Salah-ud-Din Yusuf. The book details all the virtuous deed that should be carried out in the holy month of Ramadan and is a good guide for people aiming to achieve the maximum benefits of this holy month. It explains how we should welcome Ramadan, matters related to Itekaf, the night prayer, giving charity, and searching for the Night of Decree.   

Shi’ism Exposed (H/B)


This book is mostly dedicated to every Shia who is willing to listen to constructive criticism with an open heart and an enlightened mind. This research is, in fact, a survey of the literature about the rise and spread of Shiism and its fundamental principles. Much of what follows is taken directly from Shia sources. The history, ideological background, and threats posed by Shi’ism against the true Islam of our noble Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)are clearly outlined, and the Muslim finds, in them, a warning against falling prey to the calls of the Shi’ites. Also it is a guidance for Shi’ittes to discover reality of Shi’ism to come back to the original faith of Islamic Monotheism.

Strategies of Prophet Muhammad SAW


Muhammad’s (Peace Be Upon Him) life is a rewarding subject for any sophisticated, intelligent and curious mind because of the impact he has had on world history. Not only did he change the world-view of a society, he practically moulded a nation out of a disparate group of warring tribes such that today, after 1400 years, more than 1.6 billion Muslims now live all over the world and try to follow in his foot-steps in their daily routines. Many demographers calculate that Islam will become’s the world’s largest religion by 2050. This amazing growth trajectory owes a great deal to the strategies pursued by him.

The Life of The Last Prophet (Darussalam)


The influence of Muhammad’s prophet hood is visible in everything that the world now contains: beliefs and patterns of thought, culture and civilization, morals and modes of living, knowledge and learning. In short, all spheres of human endeavor. Strange indeed, therefore, that so many people on the face of the earth today have little or no knowledge of the life and mission of this last great Prophet of God and his historical impact on the world we live in.

The Life of The Last Prophet , is a concise and authentic account of the life of the Prophet Muhammad (S) written by Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens. This book is the printed version of the spoken word album of the same name and also includes a selection of prophetic sayings and detailed references.

The Noble Revered Prophet Of Islam: Muhammad SAW


This book discusses the attempts of immoral cartoonists to malign the Prophet Muḥammad (peace be upon him) through satirical caricatures having no resemblance to reality. Likewise, it discusses the ideology of the Khārijite terrorists, their remoteness from Islām and the complete innocence of the Prophet Muḥammad (peace be upon him) from them and their evil ideology. The issues of jihād and Muslim relations with non-Muslims in their countries are also discussed. This book is for open-minded people who see beyond media propaganda and wish to acquire an accurate understanding of Islām and its position on extremism and terrorism. Speaking in relation to the terrorist attacks which took place in France on 7th January 2015, Shaykh ʿUbayd al-Jābirī said: I advise the [imāms] who give sermons, the teachers, the lecturers and Muslim journalists to unite upon a single word and it is: To openly announce [their] disavowal and innocence from this action and other actions of anarchy… The people of the Sunnah hold it as their religion before Allāh that in the lands of Europe, America and other non-Muslim lands besides them in which they have settled there is a covenant, a contract [binding upon them]. Hence, they must not violate it [through treachery], ever. And speaking in defence of the Prophet Muḥammad (peace be upon him) with respect to the slanderous and abusive Danish cartoons, Shaykh Rabīʿ bin Hādī said: Muḥammad (peace be upon him) and his rightly-guided Caliphs and his noble Companions did not erect factories for the manufacture of elementary weapons such as swords and spears, let alone atomic bombs and missiles and other such wholly destructive weapons. Muḥammad (peace be upon him) did not erect a single factory because he was sent as a mercy to the worlds, to guide all of mankind to that which brings them happiness in the world and afterlife.

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