Biographies of the Salaf and Scholars

Biographies of the Salaf and Scholars

(Showing 1 – 12 products of 23 products)


Bayt al-Hikmah The House of Scientific Wisdom (IIPH)


This book, authored by Luqman Nagy, is an introduction to the history and legacy of the great translation movement that began at the Bayt al-Hikmah in ninth century Abbasid Baghdad and culminated centuries later in Spain, with teams of Muslim, Christian and Jewish scholars translating works of Greek and Islamic science from Arabic into Latin. These translations became the first scientific textbooks to be used at many European universities. This wealth of knowledge that was made available in Latin helped initiate the Renaissance, or ‘rebirth’ of learning in the West.

Extraordinary Occurrences From the Allies of Allah By Imām al-Lālikā’ī


Imām al-Lālikā’ī narrates extraordinary events that occurred at the hands of the Allies of Allāh from the previous nations, the companions, and the second and third generations

Sulaymān ibn al-Mughīrah said, “’Abū Muslim and members of the army crossed the Tigris River and its strong tide ripped the ship apart; thus, they lost some of their possessions. ‘Abū Muslim began walking on top of the river, and he looked back at his companions and said, ‘Did you lose anything so we can supplicate to Allāh, the Exalted, to return it?’

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Imam Bukhari – Imam Al-Muhadditheen (IIPH)


This book, authored by Luqman Nagy, introduces the reader to the life and times of Muhammad ibn Ismâ‘eel, the greatest of all Hadith scholars. In later life, he became known as Imam Bukhari. This Muslim spent his entire life in the service of his Lord and the Muslim community. His gift to the Ummah (nation) was the collection of hadiths in Saheeh al-Bukhâri, which Muslims cherish and read with confidence today. The story behind this remarkable achievement is certainly one worth telling and worth knowing.

In the Company of the Imams by Islam Today


This book explores the lives of the four imams who were the founders of the canonical schools of Islamic Law. It explores the areas of convergence and disagreement between these great scholars to reveal the unity of their basic principles as well as the multiplicity of their opinion and judgments. In doing so, it demonstrates Islam’s inherent flexibility, which takes into account the different historical, social and geographical circumstances in which people find themselves. This allows the teachings of Islam to remain vital for every place and time.

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Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir (Volume VI )


Kitab At-Tabaqat Al-Kabir Volume VI: The Scholars of Kufa

The Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir by Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad ibn Sa’d is one of the most important and earliest surviving collections of biographical details of the early Muslims, spanning just over the first two centuries of Islam.
It is a rich storehouse of information compiled from all the sources available to Ibn Sa’d, as a result of which, the reader is given a vivid insight into the lives of the early Muslims and how extraordinary they were. The scope of Ibn Sa’d covers the time of the Rashidun khalifs, the Umayyads and the ‘Abbasids. This sixth volume of the Tabaqat (Volume VI) deals firstly with the scholars of Makka, Ta’if, Yemen, Yamama and Bahrayn and then the bulk of the book is devoted to the scholars of Kufa.

Makers of the Muslim World: Al Ma’mun The Revival of Islam


This accessible biography treats al-Ma’mum (786-833) as the product of his age, which was a formative period in the development of Islamic law and theology. It presents him in his many facets: rebel, rationalist, scientist, poet, politician, warrior, inquisitor, and self-proclaimed defender of the faith. Drawing on contemporary sources, some friendly and others hostile, it offers a comprehensive portrait of a fascinating figure in Islamic history.

Makers of the Muslim World: Al Mutanabbi Voice of Abbasid Poetic Ideal


This series is devoted to the men and women throughout history who have made a significant contribution to the political, intellectual, and religious landscape of the Muslim world. Each title combines first-rate scholarship with a strong emphasis on readability and will serve as a perfect introduction for laymen and academics alike.

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Makers of the Muslim World: Ibn Taymiyya


Ibn Taymiyya (1263–1328) of Damascus was one of the most prominent and controversial religious scholars of medieval Islam. He called for jihad against the Mongol invaders of Syria, appealed to the foundational sources of Islam for reform, and battled against religious innovation. Today, he inspires such diverse movements as Global Salafism, Islamic revivalism and modernism, and violent jihadism. This volume synthesizes the latest research, discusses many little-known aspects of Ibn Taymiyya’s thought, and highlights the religious utilitarianism that pervades his activism, ethics, and theology.

Malcolm X: The Struggle For Human Rights


One of the twentieth century’s most influential Muslims, Malcolm X – El-Hajj Malik Al-Shabazz – led a dynamic life and passed through many phases of thought. But one aspect of his thought remained constant – to never remain silent in the face of oppression.

In Malcolm X: The Struggle for Human Rights, Recep Şentürk offers more than a biography of a beloved figure in American history: he explores the concept of universal human rights in Islam using the life of Malcolm X as an example of a human rights struggle.

Engaging and innovative, the book is divided into three sections, dealing with Malcolm X’s life, beliefs and struggle in turn. In the first part, we learn about his early years, his time in prison and his hajj. In a section on his evolving faith, we learn about his youth as a Christian, his time with the Nation of Islam and his discovery of mainstream Islam. In the final section, Şentürk offers a new perspective: how we can relate slavery, abolition, civil rights and voting rights to Malcolm X’s struggle

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